Playing pickleball is a great way to understand the conventional way we function and the path to mindfulness. When you play pickleball there are hard and unexpected shots coming at you. There is a lot fear of being hit and hurt. One is impulsive and reactive. One is in a defensive position. The ball seems to be moving so fast. One can’t keep one’s eye on what is happening, the ball. One is reaching out to hit the ball before it has even arrived. One feels contracted and tight and this is reflected in one’s shots. The goal initially is to just get the ball over the net as long as it stays in. There is no plan or clarity for strategic play.
As one’s play improves there is a shift in the game. One becomes more relaxed and responsive. One waits for the ball to come to you before striking. The game seems to slow down and there is a greater opportunity to be present with ease and clarity in knowing how one is going to consciously and strategically respond.
This progression is just like how one operates in the world. We initially react subconsciously with a desire to defend ourselves. Often our reactions are impulsive and hurtful. With time as one develops insight and compassion there is a shift. One becomes more relaxed with less impulsivity. One is able to consciously and skillfully respond from a place of openness, acceptance, wisdom and clarity.
by Dr. Phil Blustein
October 3, 2024