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Wellness Through Mindfulness Calgary (YYC)

Have you ever thought about learning to meditate or practice mindfulness? Now is your opportunity. A group of local practitioners with an interest in mindfulness have created a free group that is currently hosted online and in person at the Shaganappi Community Association Hall in Calgary.

These practices are suitable for both new and experienced individuals. The purpose is to create a community of support for everyone.  Meditation and teaching sessions on mindfulness will be offered twice a month on the first and third Thursdays from 7:00 – 8:30pm.

These sessions will include the talk, meditation time, and Q&A.

We hope you’ll join us twice a month – register below for our next talk or read more here for our entire schedule and full event details.

Upcoming Events

RIDING THE WAVES by Stacey Madden RSME - SE - MFT - IPNB: Feb 20, 2025
Click Here to Register Now

We do have costs related to running of the WTM such as tech support, rental of the hall, Zoom and Meetup licenses. There is no payment given to the speakers or organizers of the WTM.

Donations keep us going and your support is needed.

A donation is suggested for coming to the event. Recommended donation is $10-20 or whatever you feel you can afford or want to donate.

Donations can be made here on the website or by cash at the meeting.


Wellness Through Mindfulness events are freely offered and the committee is a non-profit volunteer-led group. We don’t have any costs associated with our speakers – they all give freely of their time to bring you these valuable teachings and experiences. However, to continue delivering these twice a month, we do have expenses to keep our website current as well as the ongoing communication through social media and emails. It’s not a lot, but the costs are a reality for us.

To keep offering you these events, we need your donations.  A minimum donation of $10-20 makes a big difference to us. Or whatever you feel you can afford or want to offer. This ensures we continue to get the word out on all our upcoming mindfulness and wellness events for the Calgary community. We are very dedicated to supporting our participants and we hope you recognize the value these nights bring.

Thank you for your support and helping us make these Wellness Through Mindfulness events possible.

~ The WTM Team

Donate directly via E-transfer
to wtm.yyc@gmail.com


You may also donate with CASH at the meetings


In order to create longevity and stability for the WTM we would like to incorporate as a registered charity.

If you are able to volunteer to support this endeavour please reply to:

With much gratitude,

Donate to WTM

Donations keep us going
and your support is needed!