Microdosing the Breath

Microdosing of the breath can be an effective tool to increase awareness and decrease background mental and somatic hyperarousal, mind wandering and reactivity to what is known.

As often as you can, bring intentional awareness to the breath and follow it as long and sustained as you can. The breath is important in supporting the relaxation response of the autonomic nervous system.

One can “microdose breathing” by remembering to intentionally breathe with a prolonged exhalation relative to the inhalation and slow breathing with 4 to 6 breaths a minute as often as you can remember throughout the day.

This form of breathing can be in the background as one performs another activity such as walking, eating, reading, waiting in line, driving etc. It can also be a standalone practice in the moment when one does not need to actively engage with other or in a task.

One can use cues such as post-it-notes, apps or timers on your phone or physical links such as before you eat, walk, go to the bathroom, answer your phone or before posting an email to remind oneself to bring awareness to the breath.

These short bursts of controlled breathing are a great way to support a greater predisposition to be in a resting state of a stabilized nervous system and a decreased tendency for emotional and cognitive hyperarousal and reactivity.

by Dr. Phil Blustein
January 3, 2025